
Tips for Avoiding Some of the Most Common Exercise Mistakes

The term aerobic refers to an exercise that works large groups of muscles for an extended period lasting at least twenty minutes. During this period, substantial amounts of oxygen must be supplied to and used by the muscles. Typical examples of aerobic exercise are swimming, brisk walking, running, bicycling, cross-country skiing, and some of the livelier forms of dance.

But whatever form of exercise you are into, you have to be aware of some very important things. To be specific, there are a number of exercise mistakes that some people unwittingly make which prevent them from attaining the result they expect. By being aware of these exercise mistakes and avoiding them, you will be able to get the most out of your workout. Physical therapists and experts in weight management programs point to some of the most common exercise mistakes that people often commit, and offer vital tips on how to avoid them.

Improper exercise form, technique, and breathing are on top of their list. These put you at risk of injuries to the shoulders, lower back, and knees. Your progress might be slowed since only limited activities can be carried out. Learn to maintain your muscles' stability while performing a particular exercise. For example, keep your lower back flat on the bench or mat when doing abdominal crunches. Proper breathing techniques must be incorporated into each move by inflating your stomach as you inhale and compressing your abs as you exhale. By doing this, the exercise speed, intensity, and work on your core muscles are regulated simultaneously.

Next on the experts' list of common exercise mistakes is not knowing the correct exercise frequency, intensity, and duration. Performing exercise without knowing the fitness intensity, exercise frequency, and duration suitable for you might prevent you from improving faster or even defeat the purpose of your exercise. Experts suggest that you train your muscles at these frequencies: at least two times a week on alternate days doing a form of resistance training; at least three times a week doing cardio workout, and low to moderate movement each day (example: walking throughout the day).

Regarding intensity, experts say that you have to check your pulse, or heart rate, and try to maintain about seventy-five percent of your maximum heart rate (subtract your age from two hundred twenty) for at least twenty minutes to avoid under- or over-training, and to experience improvements in endurance. To determine your heart rate without the aid of a monitor, count the number of beats per minute by placing your index and middle finger over the thumb-side of your opposite wrist, or place it on the neck just below the angle of your jaw. As for duration, experts advise that you should do about forty-five minutes of weight training and about half an hour of cardiovascular workout. Your fitness level and exercise goals should dictate the duration of your workout.

Another common exercise mistake is doing too much, too soon. Although experts would most likely support your effort of challenging your current fitness level to attain improvements, they will nevertheless caution you from overtraining which can lead to a drop in performance or even serious injury. You should try to keep challenges modest but gradually progressive. The rule is for you to try to raise your current intensity by not more than ten percent every week.

Doing repetitive exercise routines is another one of those common exercise mistakes. You must avoid doing the same workout every time you visit the gym. Modify your method of training, reps, sets, and intensity every session. The key to sustaining interest and motivation is variety in these things. Adopting new challenges and more difficult goals is necessary if you want to improve. A good number of exercise variations can be incorporated into your workout. For example, you can do compound exercises with the use of free weights, such as executing squats with biceps curls or lunges with side raises. Apart from working more muscles in lesser time, this combination burns more calories as well. As an added caution, experts say that you have to make sure that you match variety with correct intensity.

A fifth common mistake is having long exercise breaks. A lot of time is usually lost in socializing with friends. Concentrate on what you do at the moment. The amount of time you spend inside the gym is of no substantial consequence; it is the amount of quality exercise you do that matters most.

Some people also make the mistake of forcing themselves to do a particular exercise. You have to remember that there are numerous options aside from forcing yourself to do exercises that do not motivate you or do not suit your inclination. Doing what you enjoy most is one sure way of avoiding burnout. This advances compliance and adherence. A good example is jogging in your community park instead of doing daily treadmill workouts. The change in surroundings can be very helpful.

Lack of rest, dehydration, and insufficient food intake are without a doubt the worst of these exercise mistakes. Inspite of the fact that these factors are known to largely affect performance, they are often overlooked during workouts. To maximize your workout, you definitely need enough fuel in the form of rest, water, and food. Try to sleep no less than six hours and have at least a day of rest to maximize training the following day. Drink a glass of water twenty minutes prior to a workout and every fifteen minutes during workout; this is important to rehydrate your body after losing fluid through sweating, and will likewise help you perform your workout more effectively. Eat a light snack an hour before and after you work out. A sandwich, small serving of pasta, or cereals are ideal pre- or post-workout snacks. [Read the Original Article]

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